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Muscle Feast Grass Fed Whey Isolate Review

About the product

Hormone Free, Grass Fed Whey Isolate
All Natural, Lactose Free, rBST/rBGH     Free, Soy free, Gluten Free and GMO   Free
Lab tested for Purity
Instantized with lecithin from Sunflower   for easy mixing
Processed without acid or bleach, non-   denatured, cold-processed
24-25.5 grams (depends on flavour) of   high-quality protein per 28 gram serving - 90% Protein

Sourced from cows that are certified to   be grass fed

No artificial hormones or antibiotics (rBGH & rBST free)


Gluten & lactose-free

Undenatured, cold microfiltered, & ultrafiltration processed

6.4 grams of naturally occurring BCAAs per serving

No additives or artificial ingredients


Logical examinations have demonstrated that Grass Fed cows have larger amounts of solid fats, as well as contained up to 500% more CLA than grain-encouraged dairy bovine. 

Muscle Feast's Hormone Free Grass Fed Whey has no fake hormones or anti-infection agents (rBGH and rBST free), is denatured, and has no fake fixings or flavors. It is perfect, unadulterated, and a decision hotpot for building sound muscle dissimilar to some other available.

Label Accuracy

All out fat was estimated at 0.3g/serving,35% beneath its 0.4mg name guarantee. 

All out cholesterol was estimated at 1.1mg/serving, 93% beneath its 16 mg 

All out sodium was estimated at 51mg/serving, 7.3% beneath its 55mg mark guarantee. 

All out calcium was estimated at 119mg/serving, 8.2% over its 110mg mark guarantee. 

Complete sugar was estimated at 0.3g/serving, where none was guaranteed on the item's name. 

Complete protein was estimated at 88.2g per 100g of the item. A 28g serving will yield 24.7g protein, 3.2% beneath its name guarantee. Note: According to the Code of Federal Regulations of the U.S. Government Publishing Office, an item containing under 0.5 g of absolute fat and under 2 mg of cholesterol for each serving will express amounts of these supplements as zero on its name.

Product Purity

Mass examples of this item passed the six mineral examines, showing the nearness of under 1PPM (part per million) of arsenic, lead, cadmium, bismuth, antimony, and silver.

Nutritional Value

95% of calories in this item originate from protein content, which is better than expected in this class (Mean = 67%, Standard Deviation = 20%). 

At 0.3g/serving, fat substance falls essentially beneath the 44-78g/day Acceptable Macro-nutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)* for people more than 19 years old. 

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) prescribes insignificant utilization of cholesterol while keeping up a healthfully sufficient eating routine. For the most part, hazard increments at any dimension over zero. 

Ingredient Safety

This item passed every single overwhelming metal tests, with dimensions of mixes like arsenic, lead, and cadmium all underneath 1.0 PPM (parts per million). Every single dynamic fixing additionally all met LabDoor's gauges for by and large well-being in the amounts present in this example. 

No hailed latent fixings were recorded in this item.

Projected Efficacy

This protein item includes the quick processing whey protein separate, which is perfect for athletic recuperation and muscle-building. This item contains 88.2% protein by focus (24.7g/serving). This sum is required to be modestly powerful dependent on a 46-56g RDA (46g/day for ladies beyond 14 years old; 56g/day for men beyond 19 years old). 

Whey protein has various expected medical advantages, including great proof supporting its utilization for muscle gain, weight reduction, and glucose balance. Whey protein sources may likewise give craving concealment and diminished cardiovascular sickness hazard; in any case, these advantages require further research. Other protein sources, for example, casein and soy protein, might be progressively powerful for the last signs.


             Thank you for reading my review if you want me to do any other review about any other product please do let me know in comment section. Once again thank you for reading and share with your friends..!! BYEEEEE!!!!




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